I have to confess that while I haven’t read any of David’s books before, I also haven’t read the book that Marly’s Ghost in based on. No, I have never read A Christmas Carol. Shocking, I know. But I don’t really read the classics, and I never have, but I would be interested to go back and read A Christmas Carol to see how similar Marly’s Ghost is.
Marly’s Ghost was an interesting read, sometimes a bit too old-fashioned in the way Ben would speak to the spirits that visited him and it was more of a novella than a novel, taking me an hour or so to complete, but it was interesting to see Ben see his old self, and to see how love shows itself in different forms. It was easy to see how Ben had become how he had after Marly’s death, but if everyone gave up after they lost a loved one, there’d be no one left in the world.
It was definitely an interesting little tale. I am somewhat disappointed I didn’t get to see the awesome illustrations that will be in the finished book, because they would have added an extra dimension to the story for sure. I’m glad I read Marly’s Ghost, it was certainly an interesting experience and I can’t wait to read more of David Levithan’s work in the future.