Joni Reads
Written on Aug 1, 2010
Usually I have love triangles in books, but this one is very well done. I could feel how right for each other Jason and Lani were and so I was rooting for them the whole time.
I loved the topic of fate and destiny that was mentioned throughout the book. Lani and Erin are really into the concept and have a chart assigning a different topic to study each month, such as Palmistry and Numerology. Lani mentioned fate a lot in the novel, how it seemed that Jason and her have always been meant to be with each other, how certain events led up to them finally finding each other. Her character was written with such passion that it was easy to jump on the bandwagon with her. I put the down the book wishing there was psychic in my city that I could visit, just to see what would be said.
Susane Colasanti has a unique and fresh writing style as well. She writes the way that teens talk. She begins dialogue with "I go" or "He's like" instead of "I said" and "He said". It makes her books more relatable and seem more down to earth, though I will admit that it took some getting used to.
Do I recommend this book? Yes. If you need a light, fluffy, romantic read then this a perfect book to lose yourself in.