Emma (SCR)
Written on Nov 16, 2013
I found Clem to be a was a bit too irresponsible to begin with. She had floated through life messing up and always being bailed out by her family. After her latest mess her brother Tom finally looses it. This time she knows she had to fix this one her self.
When Clem eventually goes to Portofino you see a totally different side to her. She learns how to cook, drive and be generally responsible.
I thought Stella was an awesome best friend and I really loved Mercy too. Chira was amazing.
I don't want to say too much about Clem's time in Portofino because I don't want to ruin it but, the scene on the rocks by the wishing tree was gut wrenching.
I had guessed Clem's secret a little while before but I had a couple of other theories in my head throughout.
I thought the scene at Claridges was extremely sweet and the epilogue was the perfect ending.