I decided to re-read this one before continuing with the series... and I have to admit I had as much fun this time as the first time. I honestly have no idea why I like this so much - it has a lot of elements that I hate in other novels. For example, the excess of sex.
And yet, I can deny that I had so much fun with it! And I was smiling while reading because of their antics!
I'm excited to read the next ones now!
Original Read
What a hot read.
I agree with someone who said there was more of the act than a story, but contrary to other books who had the same problem, I didn't mind here. Maybe it was because each time it was reflectively different than the other (naughty children), or maybe because I could see their feeling through it, but it didn't bother me much.
But everyone in this book are simply shameless.
It makes for a hot book, but I do not want to be part of their entourage.
~There will be no proper review for this one! Sorry~