Baroness Book Trove
Written on Aug 3, 2015
Maggie O’Neill is back in another good mystery. Right off the bat this book will be five butterflies. Maggie uncharacteristically, wanted to be done working at the store early that afternoon. She wanted to get her butt over to Marcus’s place so that they could watch movies and maybe do something more… That is until her mom called Liss who then called Marcus who told Maggie to get to the hospital asap.
Maggie was pretty much busy with doing all the things her sister and mother wanted her to do at the hospital while waiting for her sister to give birth to her baby. Or in the case babies that no one knew about. Not even Felicity knew about the babies. The day after Mel gave birth to her twin girls Maggie was on her way out and going to her job when she broke her ankle.
Maggie was thrown into a loop over the conversation she heard from the elevator and has been trying to figure out who the people were while trying to figure out who they were talking about. That right there has been the biggest mystery especially considering the weird way that Dr. Dan has been acting around Steff. Steff is Maggie’s best friend. Marcus has also been trying to get Maggie to stay put so that her ankle could heal which is turned out to be pretty hard. Since Maggie has too many things to worry about right now. Like helping her sister with the twin girls while her husband is missing, figuring out what happened to the teen that died, figuring with why Tony Nunizo was killed, and to heal her ankle.
Madelyn Alt has woven a great mystery book as once again I didn’t guess who the killer was, once again. That has been becoming a trend for me as I haven’t figured out who killed the person that got killed in any of Madelyn Alt books.