Baroness Book Trove
Written on Jul 27, 2015
This book was awesome. I’m giving it four butterflies because it was one that I really really liked and I was caught up in the story after the first chapter. Granted it took me a little bit longer to finish this book then I wanted, but that’s okay I guess.
Even though I am reading these books after my mom, aunt, and sister I am enjoying reading them. I felt so sorry for Maggie throughout the whole book because of her having to deal with her younger drama queen of a pregnant sister, Tom’s jealousy toward Marcus, trying not to run into Marcus, and a bunch of other things. I am quite pleased to say that Maggie caught a pretty friendly kitten.
I hope that Maggie figures out her feelings for both Marcus and Tom since a love triangle is pretty exciting for a little bit but it does faze out as well. I still stand by my early comment before that Maggie would be better off with Marcus than with Tom in the long run. Then again that is just my thinking and I wonder if we ever actually do find out.
Overall this book is really exciting and pretty entertaining. I actually never thought of the murderer being two people and let alone the two people that it was. But then again that is usually how it always is for me with these mystery books. I always think of one person and having it completely turned around and the actual killer surprising me. But then again I can’t believe what Melanie and Margo did to Maggie, Marcus, and Liss about their witch ways.
To read more of my reviews please go to my blog site:: baronessbooktrove