I have never openly sobbed more than I did while reading the last 100 pages of this book. Everything about this book was so heart wrenching and beautifully written that at times I could convince myself that this was a different type of book; one with a happy ending. There is something about all of these characters I met while reading this book that I will never forget, and more importantly what they resembled about life and the joys and terrors of it.
Is it selfish to say that I don't want anyone to read this book? That the characters feel like a part of me that I don't want exposed for others to preside over and make their own statements about? This book closed the page on me, on who I was before I read this book, and now that I finished it, and I love it even more for that reason. If you do end up reading this, I warm you that you will see both the best and most selfless characters in this book, and more wicked and bilious as well, but that is life, is it not?