Emma (SCR)
Written on Sep 23, 2016
This book follows Allie as she joins Cimmeria Acadamy. Cimmeria is a boarding school. Allie is sent there after she get thrown out of another school. Her parents are at their wits end and this is their only hope to help her.
When Allie first arrives she can’t stand the place. She feels like the odd one out but slowly she starts to make friends. She starts to enjoy her time at Cimmeria until one night, one night where Allie starts to realise this place isn’t quite what it seems.
I was so addicted to this book that I stayed up half the night reading this. I just couldn’t stop. I was so intrigued about what was going on at Cimmeria that I just had to keep going. C.J does such an excellent job of feeding you little bits of information at a time that you are left with no option but to keep reading.
I loved the mystery, the suspense. I loved trying to work out what was going on and failing miserably. There’s so much to love about this story and so much more to learn in the rest of the series.
I don’t currently have the next book in the series but I know it’s a case of when I will buy it not if. I can’t wait to read more of C.J’s work.