1,804 books
Shut up and squat
Duct Tape Engineer
Land of the free because my husband is brave
This is my roadtrip shirt
Happiness is hiking with my grandkids
United states of immigrants
Yo, please if you can read this, put me back in my camp chair
I love my crazy girlfriend
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Too many critics without credentials
Land of the free because of the brave
I speak in movie quotes song lyrics and sarcasm
Stress is caused by not playing enough chess
I'd rather be with my dog
If you say Gullible slowly it sounds like Oranges
I'm willing to play nice with you in the sandbox. However, if you throw sand at me I'll bury you like a cat turd!
If you can read this please put me back in my camp chair
I could stop flying kites but I'm not a quitter
Sarcasm. The body's natural defense against stupidity
I could stop juggling but I'm not a quitter
Everyday love story is beautiful but our is my favorite
Yet despite the look on my face.. You are still talking
Metalworking on the brain