1,804 books
I love sarcasm it's like punching people in the face. But with words
My California spangled and I think alike
My favorite elements are Co.F.Fe. And C.Hi.Co.La.Te
Zombies eat brains. Don't worry, you're safe
Why work when you can collect postcards
I feel like I'm already tired tomorrow
Seriously?! Don't you know who I am !
Give blood. Play rugby
Football is everything to me
My Rottweiler is cuter than your kid
Tango life is the best life
Bitch craft
Sorry It's too Peopley out there
No drugs go fishing all day, every day
Squats? I thought you said shots!
I shaved my balls for this?
Boss Lady
As long as everything is exactly the way I want it, I'm totally flexible
I express my individuality through mass-produced t shirts
It's not a food baby
I make knitting look good
I do my own stunts
All reps matter