Member since Oct 11, 2020
The Odyssey by Homer, S. H. Butcher, and Andrew Lang
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Yourbooks) (Ek Classics, #7) (Readitnow, #5) (Classic American Literature - Mark Twain) by Mark Twain
The Utilitarianism (Library of Liberal Arts, #1) (Everyman's University Library) (Oxford Philosphical Texts) (John Stuart Mill) (Cambridge Library Collection - Philosophy) (Everyman's University Paperbacks) (Everyman) (Encore Editions) (Dover Thrift Editions) by John Stuart Mill
The Origin of Species (Bamtam Classic) (Bibliobazaar Reproduction) (Milestones of Thought in the History of Ideas) by Professor Charles Darwin
Utopia (English Classics S.) (Penguin Great Ideas) (Yale Nota Bene) (Meridian classics) (Wordsworth Classics of World Literature) (The Bedford Series in History and Culture) (Selected Works of St. Thomas More) (French Renaissance Classics S.) (Phoenix 60p paperbacks) (Classics) (Collector's Library of Essential Thinkers) (Selected Works of Sir Thomas More) by Saint Thomas More
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Rime of the Ancient Mariner, #1) (Bard Book Ys432) (Dover Thrift Editions) (Tale Blazers: British Literature) (Dover Fine Art, History of Art) (Classics Illustrated JES, JES61) (Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism) (Chatto Pocket Library S.) by Samuel Taylor Coleridge