On Liberty

by John Stuart Mill

Published 1 January 1859
This volume includes the complete essay in five chapters: Introductory; Of the Liberty of Thought and Discussion; Of Individuality, as One of the Elements of Well-being; Of the Limits to the Authority of Society over the Individual; and Applications. With a fine introduction by editor Alburey Castell, this edition...Read more

From the moment of its first publication in 1848, John Stuart Mill's "Principles" established itself as a classic which, viewed simply as an economics textbook, was to enjoy a longer active life than any comparable work, either before or since. Mill's many-sided brilliance and his concern for fundamental problems...Read more


by John Stuart Mill

Published 1 January 1957
What is the foundation upon which moral judgments are made? Why and how do we conclude that an action, performed or contemplated, is right or wrong, good or bad? In the eighteenth century, English philosopher Jeremy Bentham developed the now famous moral theory known as utilitarianism, which is based...Read more

The Subjection of Women

by John Stuart Mill

Published 1 January 1869

In seeking to explain his opinions on a timeless subject--the relations between the sexes--John Stuart Mill admits that he has undertaken an arduous task. For "there are so many causes tending to make the feelings connected with this subject the most intense and most deeply-rooted of all those which...

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Reprint of the 1861 edition