Digital Transmission Design and Jitter Analysis (Telecommunications Library)
by Yoshitaka Takasaki
This reference book shows the reader how to analyze jitter generations and accumulation more efficiently and provides guidance for designing transmission systems from the clock recovery viewpoint. This book presents the theory and technology behind digital transmission from three angles: line coding, waveform shaping and clock recovery. Also included is coverage of binary codes, multilevel codes and correlative codes. The text reviews the 3R functions of digital repeaters, and studies budget des...
Revised and updated, this text provides a comprehensive survey of the field of data communications in business. Organized in three sections - basic concepts, management, and design - this new edition includes thorough coverage of such topics as microcomputers, local area networks, and computerized network design. Hardware, network configurations, and protocols and software are covered and the text discusses controls for management, recovery, and manual and computerized network design. Appendices...
Today, if you own a Windows computer you need to understand the risks and the potential damage security threats pose. The mere act of turning on an Internet-connected computer can put you, your family, and even your personal finances at risk!This book defines all the threats an average household might face and provides strategies to turn novice and basic users into adept home security experts, making you safer and more secure from cyber criminals. We start off with plain English definitions fo...
Using Inferno
Whether you're a hobbyist, experimenter, or just curious about electronics, technology, and personal computing, Understanding Data Communications, Fifth Edition, is the perfect guide for you. Written in an easy-to-follow format, this book gives a thorough look at the world of data communications and its impact on our lives. It explores the inner workings of data terminals, transmission channels, fiber optics, and satellites, as well as asynchronous and synchronous modems and interfaces. And, you...
This text explains how Internet telephony can enhance the effectiveness of call centres, fax-on-demand services, on-line transaction processing and more.
The only Cisco approved Engineering Journal and Workbook for the Cisco Networking Academy Program Fundamentals of Wireless LANs curriculumMaps to online curriculum Additional exercises and focus questions are included to fully integrate the learning experience with the online course Includes information beyond the curriculum for further studyThe demand for wireless courses that prepare students for wireless certification and the core knowledge of wireless equipment and technology has grown signi...
A basic text on the theoretical foundations of information theory, for graduate students and engineers interested in electrical communications and for others seeking a general introduction to the field, with some important new material on tilting probability distributions and coding for discrete channels.
Mobile business is the next generation of e-business, in which virtually any traditional business function can be delivered via mobile devices such as cell phones, pagers, or PDAs. The goal of mobile business and m-commerce is to enable people to conduct business and make purchases using portable devices as easily and efficiently as they could in the office or at home. The Essential Guide to Mobile Business is a complete, up-to-the-minute briefing on m-business for every non-technical profession...
This book gives anyone interested in mobile campaigns, both client-side and production-side, the knowledge to approach a mobile project with a cohesive strategy. The book presents a holistic view of the mobile ecosystem design/technology/marketing/business/build, with enough information to get one started with a project of this nature.
Die Nachrichtenverarbeitungstechnik ist schon seit Iangerem kein "Anhangsel" der Nachrichteniibertragungstechnik mehr, so daB es ganz normal ist, daB in einem Werk iiber Nachrichtentechnik das Thema Nachrichtenverarbeitung von einem anderen Autor behandelt wird als das Thema Nachrichteniibertragung. Ich bedanke mich bei den Herausgebern fiir die Ehre, zu diesem renommierten Werk bei- tragen zu diirfen. Da es sich urn ein einfiihrendes Werk handelt, konnte selbstverstand- lich keiner der praktisc...
This reference set provides an overview of ATM for the communications engineer. Topics include: an overview of ATM and the issues involved when working from other networks; the electrical engineering side, covering the signalling standards which make up ATM; and a communications focus, detailing the interneting of ATM with other existing communications networks.
This book will clarify and distill key information about select wireless topics. The book offers simple methodology, complete with forms and checklists, to guide readers through the process of selecting and assembling the right wireless solution for their needs. The book will support topics with case studies, examples, illustrations, a glossary of terminology and an extensive list of software and consulting vendors.
Broadband Cable Access Networks (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)
by David Large and James Farmer
Fully updated, revised, and expanded, this second edition of Modern Cable Television Technology addresses the significant changes undergone by cable since 1999--including, most notably, its continued transformation from a system for delivery of television to a scalable-bandwidth platform for a broad range of communication services. It provides in-depth coverage of high speed data transmission, home networking, IP-based voice, optical dense wavelength division multiplexing, new video compression...
The Bell System Market for Transmission Products
*The definitive, up-to-the-minute guide to digital publishing *Color management, digital workflow, multimedia, Web publishing, and more *Practical and easy to understand, with hundreds of illustrations *Includes 16-page color section *By one of the world's foremost authorities on digital publishing Second in a 2-volume set The definitive digital publishing resource, by the world's foremost authority! Volume II: Color management, digital workflow, multimedia/new media, and Web publishing 16-page...
The Essential Guide to the Business of U.S. Mobile Wireless Communications
by John P. Burnham
This book delivers an up-to-the-minute, non-technical, business-focused assessment of the U.S. wireless industry. Written by a leading strategist, it explains underlying technologies with exceptional clarity and simplicity, and offers unmatched insight for wireless purchasers, marketers, sales professionals, investors, and other non-technical professionals. The Essential Guide to the Business of U.S. Mobile Wireless Communications gives non-technical professionals comprehensive guidance for wire...
Das Buch behandelt die in modernen Hochleistungsprozessoren zum Einsatz kommenden Techniken. Nach einer einfuhrenden Beschreibung von Programmiermodellen werden zunachst skalare Prozessoren, die Mikroprogrammierung und die Fliessbandverarbeitung diskutiert. Die in operationsparallel arbeitenden Prozessoren angewandten Prinzipien kommen zur Sprache. Dabei werden die Multimedia-Einheiten (SIMD-Einheiten), Feldrechner, Vektorrechner, Signalprozessoren, VLIW-Prozessoren und Prozessoren mit kontroll...