This groundbreaking work by one of the world's foremost theoreticians of culture and scholars of Russian philosophy gives for the first time a systematic examination of the development of Russian philosophy during the late Soviet period. Countering the traditional view of an intellectual wilderness under the Soviet regime, Mikhail Epstein provides a comprehensive account of Russian thought of the second half of the 20th century that is highly sophisticated without losing clarity. It provides ne...
The Voices of Babyn Yar (Harvard Library of Ukrainian Lierature)
by Marianna Kiyankovska
The Brothers Karamazov (The Brothers Karamazov, #1) (Dover Thrift Editions)
by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky's crowning achievement, is a tale of patricide and family rivalry that embodies the moral and spiritual dissolution of an entire society (Russia in the 1870s). It created a national furor comparable only to the excitement stirred by the publication, in 1866, of Crime and Punishment. To Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov captured the quintessence of Russian character in all its exaltation, compassion, and profligacy. Significantly, the book was on Tolstoy's beds...
In the nineteenth century, mass immigration changed the face of the world. Although we like to think of this cross-cultural pollination as being a positive trend in human history, the truth of the matter is not always clear. In "Amy Foster," prose master Joseph Conrad takes on the dark side of immigration and the intermingling of vastly different cultures and worldviews.
Of the three long novels of mine which suffered an interruption, "The Rescue" was the one that had to wait the longest for the good pleasure of the Fates. I am betraying no secret when I state here that it had to wait precisely for twenty years. I laid it aside at the end of the summer of 1898 and it was about the end of the summer of 1918 that I took it up again with the firm determination to see the end of it and helped by the sudden feeling that I might be equal to the task. Please Note: Thi...
The Kreutzer Sonata (Modern Library Classics (eBook))
by Count Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, 1828-1910
With impeccable timing Hercule Poirot, the renowned Belgian detective, makes his dramatic entrance on to the English crime stage. Recently, there had been some strange goings on at Styles St Mary. Evelyn, constant companion to old Mrs Inglethorp, had stormed out of the house muttering something about 'a lot of sharks'. And with her, something indefinable had gone from the atmosphere. Her presence had spelt security; now the air seemed rife with suspicion and impending evil. A shattered coffee...
Novels, Tales, Journeys (Vintage Classics)
by Alexander Pushkin and Richard Pevear
From the award-winning translators: the complete prose narratives of the most acclaimed Russian writer of the Romantic era and one of the world's greatest storytellers. The father of Russian literature, Pushkin is beloved not only for his poetry but also for his brilliant stories, which range from dramatic tales of love, obsession, and betrayal to dark fables and sparkling comic masterpieces, from satirical epistolary tales and romantic adventures in the manner of Sir Walter Scott to imaginati...
Typhoon (Audio Editions Mystery Masters) (Unexpurgated Start Classics)
by Joseph Conrad
This volume contains "Typhoon," "The Secret Sharer," "Falk," and "Amy Foster."
Something Indecent is intended as a kind of symposium on European poetry. Seven contemporary Eastern European poets—Adam Zagajewski, Vera Pavlova, Tomaž Šalamun, Aleš Šteger, Nikola Madzirov, Eugenijus Ališanka, and editor Valzhyna Mort—introduce us to poems by writers who have become for them windows onto the world. They were asked: Who are the best representative poets of your region? Your generation? And, more broadly: Who are your favorite European poets of the 20th century? What European po...
Gobshite Quarterly 37/38, Quadriple Trouble
by Leanne Grabel, Armin Tolentino, and Monika Herceg
The Lilac Fairy Book (Fairy Books of Many Colors) (Golden Classics, #69)
by Andrew Lang
From the book:What cases are you engaged in at present?' 'Are you stopping many teeth just now?' 'What people have you converted lately?' Do ladies put these questions to the men - lawyers, dentists, clergymen, and so forth - who happen to sit next them at dinner parties? I do not know whether ladies thus indicate their interest in the occupations of their casual neighbours at the hospitable board. But if they do not know me, or do not know me well, they generally ask 'Are you writing anything...