Many companies do not provide their managers with adequate development programs, failing to recognize how often new managers can become overwhelmed. How can you prevent your most promising employees from being derailed? Should you schedule more coaching or training - or is it simply too soon to promote an employee to the next level? In a world of intensifying talent wars, companies that can develop high-potential leaders throughout their ranks stand the best chance of consistently trouncing rivals. As a manager, you play a crucial role in cultivating leadership skills in your own teams. This collection of HBR articles provides a range of advice on the best ways for companies to keep their next generation of leaders on the right track.

For the past fifty years, the McKinsey Foundation for Management Research has offered awards for the best articles published each year in "HBR". These awards, judged by an independent panel of leaders in the business community, recognize outstanding works that are likely to have a major influence on the actions of business managers worldwide. This selection of winning articles not only provides a history lesson in the development of management thinking, but yields the best management advice that "HBR" has had to offer. "The Harvard Business Review Paperback" series is designed to bring today's managers and professionals the fundamental information they need to stay competitive in a fast-moving world. From the preeminent thinkers whose work has defined an entire field to the rising stars who will redefine the way we think about business, here are the leading minds and landmark ideas that have established "Harvard Business Review" as required reading for ambitious businesspeople in organizations around the globe.

Decisions are the coin of the realm in business. Every success, every mishap, every opportunity seized or missed stems from a decision someone made - or failed to make. Brimming with potent suggestions from esteemed experts - including Jeffrey Pfeffer, Robert Sutton, Ram Charan, Thomas Davenport, and John Hammond - this handy volume offers a wealth of tools and practices to guide you through your most difficult choices.

This resource offers ideas for how to balance intuition and experience with critical data to get the right products to stores at the right time, how pricing and merchandising 'sign-posts' create new perceptions of value that can drive demand, and whether merchandising optimisation systems can create value for your company.

This series is designed to bring today's managers and professionals the fundamental information they need to stay competitive in a fast-moving world.

If great talent is hard to find, it's even harder to keep. In today's competitive world, you need the best and the brightest on your team in order to stay ahead of the game. If you lose your key talent, you may find that you're also losing out on crucial business opportunities. This valuable collection offers insights and strategies to make sure you recognize - and retain - your company's vital talent. Each article in "Harvard Business Review on Talent Management" will give you the tools you need to help your most important people stay motivated, happy, and productive - and part of your company.

Many of today's companies struggle with the task of delivering products customers when and where they want them. Using tactics from articles in this volume, any company can learn how to beat the competition, and stripping waste from each step in their value-delivery process.

For years, the best source for management thinking has been "Harvard Business Review". This book pulls from the best HBR articles to help leaders rise to the tests they face on a daily basis. If you want to navigate through muddy business waters, overcome difficult hurdles, and thrive in this modern world of business, read "Harvard Business Review on the Tests of a Leader".

In all too many companies, CEO succession raises stress levels for everyone. New chief executives are under immense pressure to prove themselves quickly. Board members worry whether they've made the right choice. Managers and employees brace themselves for a new order marked by disruptive and painful change. You can learn how to navigate and surmount the challenges that come with CEO transitions in this collection of "Harvard Business Review" articles, and be sure your CEO has a truly successful succession.

This series is designed to bring today's managers and professionals the fundamental information they need to stay competitive in a fast-moving world. From the preeminent thinkers whose work has defined an entire field to the rising stars who will redefine the way we think about business, here are the leading minds and landmark ideas that have established the "Harvard Business Review" as required reading for ambitious business people in organizations around the globe.

Seventy percent of all change initiatives fail. Yours won't have to--when you apply the practices provided in HBR on Leading Through Change. In this vital new resource, today's leading thinkers offer suggestions for articulating a compelling vision of an organization's future, overcoming employee resistance to change, and surmounting other challenges that come with leading change.

This is the 50th title in the "HBR" paperback series. It highlights what every company must know to successfully enter and compete in the world's fastest-growing economy. The potential opportunity in China is huge: it is home to a quarter of the world's population, domestic consumer spending in China is growing by up to 10 per cent a year, and relaxed regulatory restraints have opened China up to unprecedented levels of foreign investment. This book will help multinational corporations and the managers who work in them understand the implications of China's current stage of development and develop strategies for effectively competing in this environment.

What does it take to make a project succeed? This astute collection of articles helicopters managers above the day-to-day grind of project management to understand the big-picture reasons behind why projects fly - and why they fail. Why are some bad projects so hard to kill - and why do some good projects tank? This book will help managers make decisions that enable the right projects to succeed.

How do leaders view themselves? What thought processes govern their actions? In this insightful book, renowned leadership experts, including Warren Bennis and Daniel Goleman, probe the fascinating psychology of leadership. From the impact of narcissism on leaders' effectiveness to the crises and challenges that each stage of leadership brings, this book helps leaders gain a deeper understanding of their complex role.

You're making a living. But are you having a life? If not, you're putting yourself at risk for burnout - and your company at risk for lowered performance from you and your team. To stay productive on the job, you need to bring your whole self to work - balancing professional and personal commitments and safeguarding your emotional, physical, and psychological health. This latest volume in the "Harvard Business Review" paperback series gives you the insights, tools, and practices you need to do all that.Authored by experts including Edward Hallowell, Herbert Benson, Daniel Goleman, and Manfred F.R.Kets de Vries, the selections in this volume show you how to: avoid "attention deficit trait" - an increasingly common, destructive response to todays kyperkinetic business environment; use face-to-face interactions to activate the brain chemistry that drives emotional well-being at work; activate the "performance pyramid" to nurture your body, emotions, mind, and spirit and achieve peak productivity on the job; combat harmful levels of work-related stress; improve the quality of your sleep; understand and manage the emotional forces that affect your decisions; apply emotional intelligence principles to enhance your team's or company's mood; and, understand and mitigate the impact of the "neurotic impostor" syndrome - a condition afflicting more and more high performers.
Concise and compelling, "Harvard Business Review on Bringing Your Whole Self to Work" is every manager's must-have resource for staying productive and healthy on the job.

Technologies, consumer preferences, and market dynamics are changing faster than ever. To help your company stay competitive in the face of accelerating change, you need to continually test and redefine your strategy. But strategic renewal isn't easy. This book provides the ideas you'll need to refresh your competitive strategy as business conditions shift.