Book 13

Since 1990, Mel Silberman's classic book, Active Training, has been a runaway best-seller for trainers at all levels and a popular text for university level courses in adult education and training. The active training method-which turns the spotlight away from the instructor and put the emphasis on the learner-has emerged over time as a proven and reliable method for enhancing involvement, learning, and change. The third edition of Active Training, provides a thorough introduction to the core principles of active training design and delivery and includes a wealth of examples, tips, and techniques. The book has been revised to reflect the latest trends in workforce training and key sections, such as assessment and evaluation, have been thoroughly updated. In addition, a completely new chapter has been included to cover the design of active training for e-learning and online applications.

Book 15

Training expert Mel Silberman is the father of the popular and effective active training method. In his landmark textbook, Active Training, he identified the specific characteristics of the active training method that results in deeper learning and improved retention. Now, Training the Active Training Way takes the next step by distilling the active training method into eight core strategies that trainers can use to craft interactive and engaging training, even for the most challenging training assignments such as technical skills training, and information-rich (and often dull) content.

Teams don't always achieve the results they expect. One problem is the difficulty many teams face is developing into a cohesive unit that thinks "we" rather than "me." How to Contribute to Your Team's Success, Participant's Workbook from the popular 60--Minute Active Training Series offers you an effective yet brief program that helps you learn how to develop into a team player. Specifically, you will learn how to * Influence collaboration and support * Work through conflicts * Develop innovative "outside the box" ideas * Build commitment

Too often, in situations of conflict, people seek victory rather than agreement. Resolving conflict successfully means taking a different approach where both parties benefit?creating a win-win situation. How to Resolve Conflict Effectively, Leader?s Guide from the popular 60-Minute Active Training Series offers facilitators a ready-made, effective one-hour program that teaches participants the skills they need to successfully resolve conflict and create win-win situations. Specifically, participants will learn how to:
  • Get tension right out on the table
  • Figure out what?s bothering the other person
  • Communicate the real, underlying concerns

Constructive feedback is an essential part of learning, growth, and performance. Too often, though, feedback is withheld. How to Encourage Constructive Feedback from Others, Participant's Workbook from the popular 60-Minute Active Training Series offers you a ready-made design for an effective, yet brief program that will teach you how to obtain feedback useful from others. Specifically, you will be introduced to and learn how to apply, the four fundamental strategies that open up people at work to exchange honest and constructive feedback
  • Invite others to give feedback that’s really wanted
  • Develop an on-going commitment to feedback
  • Take into account the needs of the person on the giving end
  • Keep the focus on the future, not the past

Assertive people are able to clearly make their point, speak their mind, and express their needs while maintaining others’ self-esteem. How to Speak Up Without Putting Others Down, Leader’s Guide from the popular 60-Minute Active Training Series offers facilitators a ready-made, effective one hour program that will teach participants to express themselves clearly, directly, and tactfully. Specifically, participants will learn how to
  • Express themselves in a straightforward way¾without offending others
  • Stand their ground, tactfully even in the face of resistance
  • Persist with people who fail to fo

Faced with people we don’t like or don’t understand, most of us tend to write them off, or worse still, vent about them to others. How to Bring Out the Better Side of Difficult People, Participants Workbook from the popular 60-Minute Active Training Series offers you an effective, yet brief training session that teaches you how to approach difficult people in productive ways. Specifically, you will be learn how to
  • Draw out people rather than closing them down
  • Overcome your barriers to understanding others
  • Look beyond the surface to learn what make people “tick”
  • Take a novel approach when a relationship feels stuck

Constructive feedback is an essential part of learning, growth, and performance. Too often, though, feedback is withheld. How to Encourage Constructive Feedback from Others, Leader’s Guide from the popular 60- Minute Active Training Series offers facilitators a ready-made, effective one-hour program that teaches participants how to useful feedback from others.Specifically, participants will be introduced to and learn how to apply, the four fundamental strategies that open up people at work to exchange honest and constructive feedback:
  • Invite others to give feedback that’s really wanted
  • Develop an on-going commitment to feedback
  • Take into account the needs of the person on the giving end
  • Keep the focus on the future, not the past

Faced with people we don’t like or don’t understand, most of us tend to write them off, or worse still, vent about them to others. How to Bring Out the Better Side of Difficult People, Leader’s Guide from the popular 60- Minute Active Training Series offers facilitators a ready-made, effective one-hour program that teaches how to approach difficult people in productive ways. Specifically, participants will be learn how to
  • Draw out people rather than closing them down
  • Overcome their own barriers to understanding others
  • Look beyond the surface to learn what make people “tick”
  • Take a novel approach when a relationship feels stuck

Assertive people are able to clearly make their point, speak their mind, and express their needs while maintaining others’ self-esteem. How to Speak Up Without Putting Others Down, Participant’s Workbook from the popular 60- Minute Active Training Series offers you a ready-made design for an effective, yet brief program that will teach you how to express yourself clearly, directly, and tactfully. Specifically, you will learn how to
  • Express yourself in a straightforward way¾without offending others
  • Stand your ground, tactfully even in the face of resistance
  • Persist with people who fail to follow through on their communications and promises

When it was first published in 1995, Mel Silberman's 101 Ways to Make Training Active became an instant bestseller. Now this revised and updated second edition offers the same dynamic approach and several completely new case examples. The examples support each exercise and highlight real-time uses of the highly successful Active Training method. In addition, the book includes 200 training tips that form the nuts-and-bolts of successful active training. These tips incorporated in the book's top ten lists show how to build quality, activity, variety, and direction into your training programs. For the first time 101 Ways to Make Training Active features a CD-ROM containing all the original "Top Ten Trainers Tips and Techniques" lists for easy reproduction and distribution.

Too often, in situations of conflict, people seek victory rather than agreement. Resolving conflict successfully means taking a different approach where both parties benefit creating a win--win situation. How to Resolve Conflict Effectively, Participant's Workbook from the popular 60--Minute Active Training Series offers you an effective, yet brief program that will teach you the skills needed to successfully resolve conflict and create win--win situations. Specifically, you will learn how to * Get tension right out on the table * Figure out what's bothering the other person * Communicate the real, underlying concerns