Linear and Quasilinear Parabolic Problems (Monographs in Mathematics, #106)
by Herbert Amann
In this treatise we present the semigroup approach to quasilinear evolution equa of parabolic type that has been developed over the last ten years, approxi tions mately. It emphasizes the dynamic viewpoint and is sufficiently general and flexible to encompass a great variety of concrete systems of partial differential equations occurring in science, some of those being of rather 'nonstandard' type. In partic ular, to date it is the only general method that applies to noncoercive systems. Alth...
Generalized Inverses: Theory and Computations (Developments in Mathematics, #53)
by Guorong Wang, Yimin Wei, and Sanzheng Qiao
This book begins with the fundamentals of the generalized inverses, then moves to more advanced topics. It presents a theoretical study of the generalization of Cramer's rule, determinant representations of the generalized inverses, reverse order law of the generalized inverses of a matrix product, structures of the generalized inverses of structured matrices, parallel computation of the generalized inverses, perturbation analysis of the generalized inverses, an algorithmic study of the compu...
Aufbaukurs Funktionalanalysis Und Operatortheorie
by Winfried Kaballo
In diesem Buch finden Sie eine Einfuhrung in die Funktionalanalysis und Operatortheorie auf dem Niveau eines Master-Studiengangs. Ausgehend von Fragen zu partiellen Differenzialgleichungen und Integralgleichungen untersuchen Sie lineare Gleichungen im Hinblick auf Existenz und Struktur von Loesungen sowie deren Abhangigkeit von Parametern. Dazu lernen Sie verschiedene Konzepte und Methoden kennen: Distributionen, Fourier-Transformation, Sobolev-Raume, Dualitatstheorie im Rahmen lokalkonvexer R...
Approximation Theory, Wavelets and Applications (NATO Science Series C, #454)
Approximation Theory, Wavelets and Applications draws together the latest developments in the subject, provides directions for future research, and paves the way for collaborative research. The main topics covered include constructive multivariate approximation, theory of splines, spline wavelets, polynomial and trigonometric wavelets, interpolation theory, polynomial and rational approximation. Among the scientific applications were de-noising using wavelets, including the de-noising of...
Malliavin Calculus with Applicationsto Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
by Marta Sanz-Sole
Nonlinear Analysis, Differential Equations and Control (NATO Science Series C, #528)
Recent years have witnessed important developments in those areas of the mathematical sciences where the basic model under study is a dynamical system such as a differential equation or control process. Many of these recent advances were made possible by parallel developments in nonlinear and nonsmooth analysis. The latter subjects, in general terms, encompass differential analysis and optimization theory in the absence of traditional linearity, convexity or smoothness assumptions. In the last t...
Combined Measure and Shift Invariance Theory of Time Scales and Applications (Developments in Mathematics, #77)
by Chao Wang and Ravi P. Agarwal
This monograph is devoted to developing a theory of combined measure and shift invariance of time scales with the related applications to shift functions and dynamic equations. The study of shift closeness of time scales is significant to investigate the shift functions such as the periodic functions, the almost periodic functions, the almost automorphic functions, and their generalizations with many relevant applications in dynamic equations on arbitrary time scales. First proposed by S. Hilger...
Soft Solids (Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology)
by Alan D. Freed
This textbook presents the physical principles pertinent to the mathematical modeling of soft materials used in engineering practice, including both man-made materials and biological tissues. It is intended for seniors and masters-level graduate students in engineering, physics or applied mathematics. It will also be a valuable resource for researchers working in mechanics, biomechanics and other fields where the mechanical response of soft solids is relevant. Soft Solids: A Primer to the Theor...
Covering Space
by Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, and John McBrewster
Self-dual Partial Differential Systems and Their Variational Principles (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
by Nassif Ghoussoub
How to solve partial differential systems by completing the square. This could well have been the title of this monograph as it grew into a project to develop a s- tematic approach for associating suitable nonnegative energy functionals to a large class of partial differential equations (PDEs) and evolutionary systems. The minima of these functionals are to be the solutions we seek, not because they are critical points (i. e. , from the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equations) but from also - ing...
The Localization Problem in Index Theory of Elliptic Operators (Pseudo-Differential Operators, #10)
by Vladimir Nazaikinskii, Bert-Wolfgang Schulze, and Boris Sternin
The book deals with the localization approach to the index problem for elliptic operators. Localization ideas have been widely used for solving various specific index problems for a long time, but the fact that there is actually a fundamental localization principle underlying all these solutions has mostly passed unnoticed. The ignorance of this general principle has often necessitated using various artificial tricks and hindered the solution of new important problems in index theory. So far, t...
Stochastic Processes and Functional Analysis (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
This extraordinary compilation is an expansion of the recent American Mathematical Society Special Session celebrating M. M. Rao's distinguished career and includes most of the presented papers as well as ancillary contributions from session invitees. This book shows the effectiveness of abstract analysis for solving fundamental problems of stochastic theory, specifically the use of functional analytic methods for elucidating stochastic processes, as made manifest in M. M. Rao's prolific researc...
Function (Mathematics)
by Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, and John McBrewster
Elliptic Functions and Applications
Handbook of Continued Fractions for Special Functions
by Annie Cuyt, Vigdis Brevik Petersen, Brigitte Verdonk, Haakon Waadeland, and William B. Jones
Wave Packet Analysis of Feynman Path Integrals (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, #2305)
by Fabio Nicola and S. Ivan Trapasso
The purpose of this monograph is to offer an accessible and essentially self-contained presentation of some mathematical aspects of the Feynman path integral in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. In spite of the primary role in the advancement of modern theoretical physics and the wide range of applications, path integrals are still a source of challenging problem for mathematicians. From this viewpoint, path integrals can be roughly described in terms of approximation formulas for an operator...
Nonlinear Analysis - Theory and Methods (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
by Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou, Vicentiu D. Radulescu, and Dusan D. Repovs
This book emphasizes those basic abstract methods and theories that are useful in the study of nonlinear boundary value problems. The content is developed over six chapters, providing a thorough introduction to the techniques used in the variational and topological analysis of nonlinear boundary value problems described by stationary differential operators. The authors give a systematic treatment of the basic mathematical theory and constructive methods for these classes of nonlinear equations a...
Factorization and Integrable Systems (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, #141)
This volume comprises the specially prepared lecture notes of a a Summer School on "Factorization and Integrable Systems" held in September 2000 at the University of Algarve in Portugal. The main aim of the school was to review the modern factorization theory and its application to classical and quantum integrable systems. The program consisted of a number of short courses given by leading experts in the field.
Le livre COURBES ET DIMENSION FRACTALE fait une revue dediverses techniquesd'analyse des courbes planes, en vue desapplications. Le type de mathematiques qu'il contient a etechoisi a la suite de nombreux echanges scientifiques avecdes ingenieurs, physiciens ou industriels. Une partie traitedes courbes de longueur finie, une autre des courbes ditesde longueur infinie, ou plus specifiquement des courbesfractales. Une introduction sur les ensembles de mesurenulle sur la droite, ainsi qu'une annexe...
This textbook is an application-oriented introduction to the theory of distributions, a powerful tool used in mathematical analysis. The treatment emphasizes applications that relate distributions to linear partial differential equations and Fourier analysis problems found in mechanics, optics, quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and signal analysis. The book is motivated by many exercises, hints, and solutions that guide the reader along a path requiring only a minimal mathematical backgro...
Subdifferentials (Mathematics and its Applications, #323)
by Anatoly G. Kusraev and Semen S. Kutateladze
Presenting the most important results of a new branch of functional analysis - subdifferential calculus and its applications - this monograph details new tools and techniques of convex and non-smooth analysis, such as Kantorovich spaces, vector duality, Boolean-valued and infinitesimal versions of non-standard analysis, covering a wide range of topics. The book aims to fill the gap between the theoretical core of modern functional analysis and its applicable sections, such as optimization, optim...
Advances in Analysis and Geometry (Trends in Mathematics)
At the heart of Clifford analysis is the study of systems of special partial differential operators that arise naturally from the use of Clifford algebra as a calculus tool. This book focuses on the study of Dirac operators and related ones, together with applications in mathematics, physics and engineering. This book collects refereed papers from a satellite conference to the ICM 2002, plus invited contributions. All articles contain unpublished new results.