Scribbles in the Margins by Daniel Gray

Scribbles in the Margins

by Daniel Gray


We lead increasingly time-poor lifestyles, bombarded 24/7 by petrifying news bulletins, internet trolls and endless noises. Where has the joy and relaxation gone from our daily lives? Scribbles in the Margins offers a glorious antidote to that relentless modern-day information churn. It is here to remind you that books and bookshops can still sing to your heart.

Warm, heartfelt and witty, here are fifty short essays of prose poetry dedicated to the simple joy to be found in reading and the rituals around it. These are not wallowing nostalgia; they are things that remain pleasurable and right, that warm our hearts and connect us to books, to reading and to other readers: smells of books, old or new; losing an afternoon organising bookshelves; libraries; watching a child learn to read; reading in bed; impromptu bookmarks; visiting someone’s home and inspecting the bookshelves; stains and other reminders of where and when you read a book.

An attempt to fondly weigh up what makes a book so much more than paper and ink – and reading so much more than a hobby, a way of passing time or a learning process – these declarations of love demonstrate what books and reading mean to us as individuals, and the cherished part they play in our lives, from the vivid greens and purples of childhood books to the dusty comfort novels we turn to in times of adult flux.

Scribbles in the Margins is a love-letter to books and bookshops, rejoicing in the many universal and sometimes odd little ways that reading and the rituals around reading make us happy.

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

4 of 5 stars

As the author states at the beginning the book's purpose is to give the reader reasons to be joyful, or at least smile.  As such, this is a book of 50 short essays about the different joys of books: owning them, reading them, giving them, shelving them.  Defacing Writing in them.   The writing is a bit flowery - think G.K. Chesterton lite - but still (or because of, depending on your feelings about Chesterton's style) a joy to read.  My personal favourite was "Sneaking new books past loved ones" as I found that one a tiny bit more relevant than the others.  ;-)

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  • Started reading
  • 8 October, 2017: Finished reading
  • 8 October, 2017: Reviewed