The She-Hulk Diaries by Marta Acosta

The She-Hulk Diaries

by Marta Acosta

Saying there are two sides to Jennifer Walters's personality is an understatement. When she hasn't morphed into a 650-pound, crime-fighting, hard-partying superhero, she's a single lawyer trying to get her act together. Hilarious and action-packed, The She-Hulk Diaries tells her story, as she juggles looking for Mr. Right and climbing the corporate ladder by day with battling villains and saving the world by night. Maybe she'll finally take on a case that will define her career. Maybe she won't meet one Mr. Right, but two, and she'll have to choose. Maybe bad guys will stop trying to destroy the planet so she can read her Perez Hilton in peace.

Reviewed by Leah on

3 of 5 stars

When I was offered the chance to review The She-Hulk Diaries, it only took me a few seconds to decide, because who doesn’t want to read a Chick Lit book with added superheroes? It’s a no-brainer! Basically Marvel have come up with the idea to publish two (so far) Chick Lit novels about their superheroes. First up in Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk and the second is Anna Marie/Rogue. It’s genius, really. I can’t say I’m massively into superheroes, but I watch some and it is something I enjoy so to mix Chick Lit with superheroes is just fascinating and I can’t believe it hasn’t been done sooner.

The She-Hulk Diaries follows Jennifer Walters throughout a year of her life as she juggles being a high-powered lawyer with being She-Hulk. There’s a heck of a lot going on in the novel as Jennifer juggles being two very opposing (but still the same) people and I did find a lot of information pertaining to the case Jennifer was working on to go mostly over my head, but for the most part I enjoyed the novel and I really, really loved She-Hulk. If I were to be any superhero I would definitely debate becoming She-Hulk as I really liked her spunky devil-may-care attitude.

I definitely think Marvel’s idea is the right one, the novel didn’t blow me away, sure, but I could see where it was coming from and I definitely liked getting to know a bit more about the superhero world. I wish I had more time to read comic books, but for now these crossover novels will have to do! I suppose it’s just a matter of time to see if they’re popular enough to continue, I think they could be. I think it’s very much an untapped market, it just depends how many Chick Lit fans love an added dose of superheroes, but who doesn’t love a superhero? A good idea, and I definitely liked Jennifer (and She-Hulk even more) but it didn’t blow me away as spectacularly as I’d have liked, which was a shame.

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  • 10 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 10 October, 2013: Reviewed