Written on Oct 10, 2013
The She-Hulk Diaries follows Jennifer Walters throughout a year of her life as she juggles being a high-powered lawyer with being She-Hulk. There’s a heck of a lot going on in the novel as Jennifer juggles being two very opposing (but still the same) people and I did find a lot of information pertaining to the case Jennifer was working on to go mostly over my head, but for the most part I enjoyed the novel and I really, really loved She-Hulk. If I were to be any superhero I would definitely debate becoming She-Hulk as I really liked her spunky devil-may-care attitude.
I definitely think Marvel’s idea is the right one, the novel didn’t blow me away, sure, but I could see where it was coming from and I definitely liked getting to know a bit more about the superhero world. I wish I had more time to read comic books, but for now these crossover novels will have to do! I suppose it’s just a matter of time to see if they’re popular enough to continue, I think they could be. I think it’s very much an untapped market, it just depends how many Chick Lit fans love an added dose of superheroes, but who doesn’t love a superhero? A good idea, and I definitely liked Jennifer (and She-Hulk even more) but it didn’t blow me away as spectacularly as I’d have liked, which was a shame.