When a Scot Loves a Lady by Katharine Ashe

When a Scot Loves a Lady (Falcon Club, #1)

by Katharine Ashe

London gossips are asking: What use has society for an exclusive gentlemen's club if no gentlemen are ever seen to pass through its door? After years as an agent of the secret Falcon Club, Lord Leam Blackwood knows it's time to return home to Scotland. One temptation threatens his plans - Kitty Savege, who warms his blood like a dram of fine whiskey. But a dangerous enemy stands in the way of desire, and to beat this foe Leam needs Kitty's help...Kitty never wanted to spend her holidays in a wretched country village! With snow up to the windows, escape is nowhere in sight. A roguish Scottish lord, however, is. His rough brogue sends heat from Kitty's frigid toes to her chilled nose, but she's confident she can withstand that. What she cannot control is the reaction of her guarded heart when she discovers this beast is no beast at all...

Reviewed by Amanda on

3 of 5 stars

I picked up When a Scot Loves a Lady when I was trolling the library aisles for new historical romances authors and thought, “That name is familiar,” so I looked up Katharine Ashe’s books and grabbed the first in the series. As one does when armed with Goodreads on one’s phone and an appetite for historomance.

But I’m not exactly sure what happened in When a Scot Loves a Lady. Don’t get me wrong: I enjoyed reading the book. I even stayed up late to finish. But I often found myself confused by the hero and heroine as they often seemed to jump back and forth between their feelings toward the other and it was difficult to sort it all out.

Then there was Leam’s Scottish brogue. It wasn’t fun to read. At all. Oh, I’m sure he sounds wonderful and he does, indeed, give Kitty tingles of heat with that voice. But a lot of his lines required reading more than once to figure out exactly what he was said, and that’s never fun. If you have to read a sentence more than once to understand it, it’s not a good sentence.

But, you know, the book ended well, and that’s always a plus in its favor. Has anyone else read Katharine Ashe? What would you recommend?

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  • Started reading
  • 29 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 29 June, 2014: Reviewed