Written on Jun 29, 2014
But I’m not exactly sure what happened in When a Scot Loves a Lady. Don’t get me wrong: I enjoyed reading the book. I even stayed up late to finish. But I often found myself confused by the hero and heroine as they often seemed to jump back and forth between their feelings toward the other and it was difficult to sort it all out.
Then there was Leam’s Scottish brogue. It wasn’t fun to read. At all. Oh, I’m sure he sounds wonderful and he does, indeed, give Kitty tingles of heat with that voice. But a lot of his lines required reading more than once to figure out exactly what he was said, and that’s never fun. If you have to read a sentence more than once to understand it, it’s not a good sentence.
But, you know, the book ended well, and that’s always a plus in its favor. Has anyone else read Katharine Ashe? What would you recommend?