The Awesome by Eva Darrows

The Awesome

by Eva Darrows

Seventeen-year-old Maggie Cunningham is tough, smart, and sassy.

She's also not like other girls her age, but then, who would be when the family business is monster hunting? Combat boots, ratty hooded sweatshirts, and hair worn short so nothing with claws can get a grip, Maggie's concerns in life slant more toward survival than fashion or boys.

Which presents a problem when Maggie's mother informs Maggie that she can't get her journeyman's license for hunting until she loses her virginity. Something about virgin blood turning vampires into pointy rage monsters.

Maggie's battled ghosts and goblins and her fair share of house brownies, but finding herself a boy – fitting in with her peers – proves a much more daunting task than any monster hunt. Did you know normal girls don't stuff their bras with holy water balloons or carry wooden stakes in their waistbands? And they care about things like "matching" and "footwear." Of course, they also can't clean a gun blindfolded, shoot a crossbow, or exorcise ghosts from a house. Which means they're lame and Maggie's not. Because Maggie's awesome. The Awesome, in fact.

Just ask her. She'd be more than happy to tell you. After she finds herself a date...

Reviewed by A Darker Shade of Rosie on

4 of 5 stars

A Darker Shade of Rosie + Twitter

LIKED: This was SUCH A FUN BOOK! The main character, Maggie, was sassy, "out there", and I loved her innovative vocabulary of curse words! She was equal parts weird and wise-ass, and though she was very comfortable with herself, she was pretty much convinced no one would accept the abnormality that is her life as a monster hunter. • This book is hysterical and filled with crazy words about Maggie's insane monster-hunting life and living with her eccentric mother. • Maggie's mom is very teenager-esque. (But still a good parent.) • The book was short and sweet. • Maggie is an apprentice to her mother. Monster-hunting jobs are rated 1 through 5. 4- and 5-rated jobs are the biggest and toughest jobs. Maggie can't hunt anything above a level 3 because of her apprentice status, but the only way to "level up" is to lose her virginity. (No werewolf and no vampire hunting - something to do about the blood of a virgin.)

RECOMMEND TO If you love to laugh and aren't offended by crude humor, you should pick this up.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 24 July, 2015: Reviewed