A Darker Shade of Rosie
→ LIKED: This was SUCH A FUN BOOK! The main character, Maggie, was sassy, "out there", and I loved her innovative vocabulary of curse words! She was equal parts weird and wise-ass, and though she was very comfortable with herself, she was pretty much convinced no one would accept the abnormality that is her life as a monster hunter. • This book is hysterical and filled with crazy words about Maggie's insane monster-hunting life and living with her eccentric mother. • Maggie's mom is very teenager-esque. (But still a good parent.) • The book was short and sweet. • Maggie is an apprentice to her mother. Monster-hunting jobs are rated 1 through 5. 4- and 5-rated jobs are the biggest and toughest jobs. Maggie can't hunt anything above a level 3 because of her apprentice status, but the only way to "level up" is to lose her virginity. (No werewolf and no vampire hunting - something to do about the blood of a virgin.)
→ RECOMMEND TO If you love to laugh and aren't offended by crude humor, you should pick this up.