Famous in Love by Rebecca Serle

Famous in Love (Famous in Love, #1)

by Rebecca Serle

When seventeen-year-old Paige is discovered in Portland, Oregon, and brought to Hollywood to star in a major motion picture, she finds all of the fame and adulation she had dreamed of but also gets caught in a romantic whirlwind, both on and off screen.

Reviewed by Leah on

5 of 5 stars

You guys, I think I have a book hangover. Ugh. UGH. I have just finished Famous In Love by Rebecca Serle and I am swooning all over the shop. Not only is the cover one of the BEST BOOK COVERS EVER – it even sparkles in the sun, but the inside of the book is EVEN BLOODY BETTER. Ughhhhhhhhhhhh. I am in love, and much like Paige, I’ve got no idea if it’s with Jordan or Rainer because they’re both delicious in their own way. Rainer’s so sweet and lovely but Jordan’s a bad boy who’s not bad at all and I LOVE bad boys who are really not bad at all. Can’t you just SEE my dilemma?!?

I absolutely love books set in the movie world. It’s just something you wish to see, y’know? I’d love to go see a movie being shot one day, to see if it’s really as it’s portrayed, so it was so cool that Famous In Love was set in that world. Books about movies and celebrities and love triangles are just THE BEST. And Famous In Love was pretty damn impressive. I flew through it in one sitting, and I wish I had the sequel RIGHT NOW DAMN IT. Because much liked the fans of Locked, I want to know how this love triangles ends.

Really, love triangles aren’t usually my thing, especially since there’s usually always a pretty clear winner, but Paige’s feelings are clearly so complicated that it could be either or. Her chemistry with Rainer is amazing and he’s so sweet and caring and I can see why that appeals to Paige, when she’s about to take this huge step and become this famous movie star; sometimes you need someone to take care of you and guide your way. But then there’s Jordan, who is not at all how I expected him to be. Sure, he’s brooding and delicious, but he’s got SUCH a good heart and you just want to hug him. And both are easily pickable. (Is that even a word? I doubt it). Both captured my affections. I’m as torn as Paige!!!!!!!!

One of the best things about Famous In Love is the whole story-within-a-story thing. I LOVE THAT. And I love even more than Rebecca has actually written a Locked novella, as Parker Witter, that makes me love her a million times more, because obviously she must know how that story goes, at least a little bit, and I’m always dead curious to know how she saw her story-within-a-story (and I REALLY WANT TO KNOW HOW THE LOCKED TRILOGY ENDS). WHO DOES AUGUST CHOOSE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD?!?!?! I doubt the Locked novella will tell me that, but I appreciate that it’s been written because it’s like getting a sneak peek of something you never get to see (like I wished John Green had written Imperial Afflictions!!!)

Can you tell I loved this book? I did. So much. I can’t believe it took me so long to read it, but I FINALLY DID AND IT WAS ALL I WANTED AND MORE. I swooned, I laughed, I loved the behind the scenes look at movie making and I adored Paige. (And Jordan. And Rainer). I can’t wait for Truly, Madly, Famously (and I LOVE that it’s like the Savage Garden song Truly, Madly, Deeply hehehehe). If you love books about movie stars, and love triangles (THE GOOD KIND) and awesome characters, this is the book for you. It’s GREAT.

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  • 31 March, 2015: Reviewed