Fang by James Patterson

Fang (Maximum Ride, #6) (Best of Maximum Ride, #3)

by James Patterson


For years, Max has been on the run from evil forces threatening her and the Flock - but nothing could have prepared her for this horrifying prophesy delivered to her by Angel. Fang is Max's best friend, her soulmate, her partner in leadership of her flock of winged children. A life without Fang is a life unimaginable.

Max's desperate desire to protect Fang brings the two closer than ever. But their world is turned upside down yet again when the Flock meet a wealthy scientist who has a great interest...Read more

Reviewed by ladygrey on

2 of 5 stars

I'm done.

I liked these characters through I five books so far. But this has become ridiculous. There is no story. It's just these characters in a series of different scenes before it gets to the big fight at the end. They keep talking about some amorphous apocalypse that will happen at some time in the future. It has no resonance, though, so it's more infuriating than anything.
(it sort of reeks of an author who likes playing with these characters but has no idea what to do with them. who talks about an apocalypse to try to give the whole thing significance but really hasn't figured that part out yet)

And on top of that, the characters that I once enjoyed have become inane. The book is called [b:Fang|43035|White Fang|Jack London||2949952] but it really isn't about him particularly. All Max knows how to do is get angry and resist everything that happens. Jeb shows up for no purpose other than to make Max angry because [a:James Patterson|3780|James Patterson|] needed something new to frustrate her. Angel does the most incomprehensible things that, even when there's an attempt to explain them they still don't make sense.

It's not any fun any more. It's just frustrating.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 June, 2010: Finished reading
  • 10 June, 2010: Reviewed