Written on May 24, 2011
I didn't want to read this because I knew Fang was going to leave max. But my issues with not finishing a series got the best of me. Great story though! I really do not like Angel I think she needs to go bubye for good. And I can give a rats ass if Dylan was made for max, she doesn't belong with him. She belongs with Fang. His letter to her made me cry, now I'm sitting here at 1:30am debating with myself to read Angelnow even though I know Max and Fang eventually see each other again but they won't be together. I just hope Patterson rectifies this in the last book. I hate when authors will get you all worked up over two people and when they FINALLY get them together they go and screw it up.... COME ON REALLY!!!!! At least let them have something first before going and destroying it and changing up the entire series with a funked up relationship. My feelings towards the authors who do that and don't somehow rectify that, I generally lose interest in because it's hard when you get to know and start loving these characters and love the relationship they are forming and then have it ripped away from you like a theif stealing candy from a baby. I won't ever like Dylan as much as I like Fang he seems like an interesting character but Fang stole my heart earlier in the series.