Giant Days by BOOM! Studios, Non Pratt

Giant Days

by BOOM! Studios and Non Pratt

Based on the hit graphic-novel series from BOOM! Studios, the publisher behind Lumberjanes, Giant Days
follows the hilarious and heartfelt misadventures of three university
first-years: Daisy, the innocent home-schooled girl; Susan, the sardonic
wit; and Esther, the vivacious drama queen. While the girls seem very
different, they become fast friends during their first week of
university. And it’s a good thing they do, because in the giant
adventure that is college, a friend who has your back is key—something
Daisy discovers when she gets a little too involved in her
extracurricular club, the Yogic Brethren of Zoise. When she starts
acting strange and life around campus gets even stranger (missing
students, secret handshakes, monogrammed robes everywhere . . .), Esther
and Susan decide it’s up to them to investigate the weirdness and save
their friend.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Though I had never read the graphic novels upon which this book is based, I was still all in from the very first page. As soon as I was introduced to these three ladies, I knew I wanted to know them better.

• Pro: This book was pure fun. I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I read it. Giant Days combined great characters, snappy banter, and pitch perfect tone to produce a fabulous reading experience for me.

• Pro: I loved how different each of the women were, yet how well they complimented each other. There was a great synergy, when they were together, and I loved watching this friendship take shape.

• Pro: Non Pratt captured those early days at university so well. The feeling of being out of place, being a little lost, missing your home and your old life. All of this plus academic demands can be quite stressful, and I thought that came across really well in the book.

• Pro: The whole Yogic Brethren plot was sort of hilarious. I couldn't help but think of the Scoobies during those scenes, which just added to the fun.

• Pro: There was a ton of satire in here, which delighted me to no end. Well done!

• Pro: This book had the three Hs: humor, hijinks, and heart, which always makes this girl happy.

Overall: A fun and entertaining look at the lives of first years, which does a fantastic job capturing the highs and lows of university life. I hope we get to explore more Giant Days with Daisy, Susan, and Esther.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


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  • Started reading
  • 6 August, 2018: Finished reading
  • 6 August, 2018: Reviewed