Written on Aug 6, 2018
• Pro: This book was pure fun. I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I read it. Giant Days combined great characters, snappy banter, and pitch perfect tone to produce a fabulous reading experience for me.
• Pro: I loved how different each of the women were, yet how well they complimented each other. There was a great synergy, when they were together, and I loved watching this friendship take shape.
• Pro: Non Pratt captured those early days at university so well. The feeling of being out of place, being a little lost, missing your home and your old life. All of this plus academic demands can be quite stressful, and I thought that came across really well in the book.
• Pro: The whole Yogic Brethren plot was sort of hilarious. I couldn't help but think of the Scoobies during those scenes, which just added to the fun.
• Pro: There was a ton of satire in here, which delighted me to no end. Well done!
• Pro: This book had the three Hs: humor, hijinks, and heart, which always makes this girl happy.
Overall: A fun and entertaining look at the lives of first years, which does a fantastic job capturing the highs and lows of university life. I hope we get to explore more Giant Days with Daisy, Susan, and Esther.
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.