Wild, Crazy Hearts by Melissa Foster

Wild, Crazy Hearts (Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill - Oak Falls), #4)

by Melissa Foster

High school teacher Brindle Montgomery and rancher Trace Jericho have been close friends forever and on-again off-again lovers for years. As rebellious as they are stubborn, they're both perfectly happy with their no-strings-attached hookups. But when Brindle returns from a trip to Paris with a baby bump, it sends Trace's wild, crazy heart into a frenzy--and Brindle is left wondering if she's made the biggest mistake of her life.

Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars


Melissa Foster has proven once again why she is my go to author for sweet, heartwarming and steamy romances. She created a story filled with relatable characters, which focused on friendship, love and family.

Wild Crazy Hearts is Brindle and Traces story, whom I met in Trails of Love. Do not worry you do not need the books in order as they can be read out of order. These two has an on and off, uncommitted relationship since they were teenagers. So they fight, so they breakup, so they get back together. It was enough to give you a permanent whiplash.

Brindle went to Paris, to gain some perspective as it relates to her feelings for Trace. After a couple of months, she realized she loved him and wanted more than a physical relationship. She returned home, hoping to build and cement her relationship with Trace. She returned with an unexpected package, which left Trace speechless and angry. His response reeked of immaturity. I wished I could knock some sense into his head. Brindle’s response has a result was not any better. The lies and secrets were overwhelming. It took them sometime, but they eventually got their act together. At this point, their love for each other shined through the pages. I enjoyed watching them work out the kinks in their relationship. 

Brindle is stubborn, rebellious, and independent. If you push her, she pushes right back. Trace is protective and puts her needs above his. They blended so well together making them perfect for each other. I liked that he never tried to change her, but (in the words of John Legend) embraced all her curves, her edges and her perfect imperfections. Being a private person, I was not too keen on how the community was all up in their business, but I guess that is what small towns are all about. 


Fans of small town romance, served with sweetness and heat will enjoy this latest offering from Melissa Foster.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 July, 2019: Finished reading
  • 5 July, 2019: Reviewed