Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

Billionaire CEO Dylan Johns is forced to take an extended vacation when his older brother comes home and decides he needs Dylan gone so he can fix his marriage and start running the family investment company he walked away from. Deciding he isn't the type who can relax and lounge on a beach with a book, Dylan instead auditions to be a dancer on a cruise ship. While he has no professional experience as a dancer, he's able to improvise and land a spot with the ship's entertainment team.

Michaela Western is trying to prove to herself, the ship's captain and anyone else who will notice that she's good at being a Cruise Director. As the only female cruise director in the company, she's finding it difficult to show how good she is when the ship's captain, a man she had an ill fated affair with, is destined to keep her under his thumb. It's not until she meets one of the new dancers, Dylan, that she starts to realizes there is more to her than she thinks.

Dylan has a way of melting the icy from the cool Michaela. He shows her the only person she has to prove her worth to is herself. While he's teaching her that lesson, he's also helping her let loose and have some fun...something that was lacking in her life. But Dylan was also learning that maybe all his preconceived notions about relationships and love aren't what he thought.

Michaela and Dylan both had to learn to let go of what happened to them in the past and figure out what was truly important to them. It wasn't easy for either of them, but they eventually got it figured out.

This was a cute, if somewhat predicable, story. While I may have known where it was going, getting to Dylan and Michaela's happily ever after was worth it.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 August, 2012: Finished reading
  • 13 August, 2012: Reviewed