Latte or Cappuccino? by Hilly Janes

Latte or Cappuccino?

by Hilly Janes

The media is filled with conflicting studies and reports on what people should buy, eat or drink, and how they should act in order to achieve a fuller life. This innovative book takes the hype and the hassle out of good living, advising the reader to make simple choices - and consequently provides them with a quick and easy way to a healthier and happier life. Tackling everyday lifestyle choices - Heels or flats? Gin-and-tonic or a glass of wine? Manual or electric toothbrush? - Latte or Cappuccino? not only solves your daily dilemmas, but backs up its assertions with scientific evidence ... so you know without a doubt that you're making the right choice. Dither no more and decide on a better way of life.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Doesn't leave much room for personal preferences. A bit didactic

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  • Started reading
  • 19 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 19 July, 2015: Reviewed