Kim Deister
Freaky Fangs left me with mixed feelings. On a positive note, I love Cole’s addition to the circus. (NOTE: Cole was introduced in the side novella, Luke on the Loose, which is generally listed as #7.5 in the series. However, Cole isn’t mentioned at all in #8, and the events of Luke on the Loose take place post-#8.) As a fire elemental, he’s a new brand of paranormal for the group, and his magic has a profound effect on Poet. That whole storyline was an interesting addition to the lore of the Mystic Caravan series that I really loved. Also on a positive note, the vampire storyline was different than most vampire fiction I’ve read, which was refreshing.
But Kade… he just brought it down for me. At the best of times, he tends to annoy me, although not generally enough to affect my enjoyment of the story. Not so this time. His need to protect Poet from anything and everything is borderline obsessive and controlling. It’s all well and good to love someone, to want them to be safe, to shield them from danger and pain in the world. But his treatment of Poet is full mysogyny and suffocation. The continuing man-baby attitude when she dares to assert her autonomy is cringe.
All that being said, if you can ignore Kade, the story itself is great!