I am always up for a sports romance, and the single dad - nerdy nanny angle had me interested. I am happy to say, it was a winning combination, that resulted in a fun romance.
* Seth, a new linebacker with the Dragons, who's two most important priorities were his daughter and football, in that order.
* Carrie, a comic book loving, former science teacher, who liked to cosplay and write graphic novel style textbooks in her free time
In need of a job and a place to live, Carrie allows her brother to set up an interview for her as the live-in nanny for one of the Dragon players. Fortunately, the man and his daughter were both thrilled with Cassie. Unfortunately, the employer was the man she had hoped to date. Since the job was a necessity, Carrie decided that her feelings would need to be put on the backburner, but both she and Seth had a hard time fighting the attraction they had to each other.
I am a lover of sports romances, and loved the whole set up. I know the single day - nanny thing could come across as cliché, but Lincoln built in enough elements to give this story its own spin.
I really liked the chemistry between Carrie and Seth. There was physical attraction, but there was also an interest in getting to know each other on a personal level. The connection between them was believable. I feel like we got to know Carrie a lot better than Seth, though, and I feel like there was a lot more which could have been revealed.
What I did know about Seth was that he adored his daughter. It was endearing watching him struggle with this new attitude his tween daughter was throwing at him. I gave him a lot of credit for not giving up, and I may have shed a tear or two during their heart to heart.
Carrie came out strong from the gate. She was a really interesting character, and I loved all her nerdiness. It was fun listening to her talk about her thoughts on comic books and education, and I like that it helped her connect to Maddie.
I liked getting to meet Carrie and Seth's family members, and we spent a little bit of time with their friends. This being the beginning of a series, I am curious where it is going, because I didn't feel like we spent enough time with anyone outside of the Seth-Carrie bubble.
Overall: A promising start to a new series, which I will definitely be reading more of.
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.