Romance Schmomance
This was a first time read by this author and I found it rather enjoyable. It was low on the angst and drama, which I definitely appreciated since I'm a bit of a mood reader. I loved how this was a lighthearted and sweet read!
I'll be honest and say that I haven't read many books where the heroine is a physicist. I enjoyed the insight of the life of a physicist especially a female one. The lack of support from her parents, advisor and sometimes colleague had me infuriated. And there's no doubt being a woman in this field, the unfair treatment probably happens more often than we think. I admired Bree so much for what she endured and her tenacity to keep moving forward to her goals. I will say that she overreacted a bit when it came to certain things that Marcus did even when he had the best intentions at heart. There wasn't any ill manner behind it at all and I think she was a bit too quick to react.
Marcus! A nerd slash handsome football player, I love that mix! I loved that it was a bit of a slow burn between them because he was a student of Bree's, sort of. They tried to keep it professional but eventually couldn't fight their feelings any longer. He was so sweet and kind to Bree and they're so well matched. I definitely connected way more with Marcus than I did with Bree. Marcus was an all-around solid dude and it was nearly impossible not to love him.
One thing that irked at me a bit was when race/ethnicity was specifically mentioned of the characters that are brought up in this book. I found it a bit weird and unnecessary to have. So it kind of threw me off while I was reading Swagger.
All in all, definitely an enjoyable first read from this author!