The Romantic Comedy Book Club
Stepping back into the Off-Campus universe, I feel like I never left. The story picks right back up with Logan, Garrett’s best friend and rock star on the ice (and if campus rumors are correct – in other places as well).
For Grace, freshman year at Briar University hasn’t been the most memorable experience. While she has had fun attending parties and meeting people with her roommate and best friend of thirteen years by her side, SHE hasn’t broken out of her shell and done something epic, something wild, something that makes her upcoming birthday worth celebrating (for once). Deciding to sit out one night of partying in exchange for feeding her lust for actions movies, Grace is shocked beyond words when she answers a knock on her dorm room door and finds herself staring at John Logan, star defenseman of the Briar University hockey team and one of the hottest guys on campus!
Having played hockey since he was a kid, Logan has always dreamed of playing for the big leagues – that is until an unfortunate accident in his family sealed his fate, making any possibilities of his NHL dream non-existent. Accepting his post graduate future, Logan is determined to enjoy what life has to offer: women, parties, and did we say women? One problem, he is head over heels for his best friend’s girlfriend and can’t seem to move on. Needing to keep his distance from the happy couple, Logan decides to head to his friends dorm for a party. In his eagerness to escape, he is sans phone as he walks through the quiet halls. Believing he remembers the dorm room number, he knocks to find himself face to face with a gorgeous brunette. Still in need of a distraction and unable to connect with a cab company using her phone, Logan takes advantage of the situation. What was supposed to have been a quiet night in turns into an opportunity of a lifetime for Grace and an whirlwind unexpected revelation for Logan.
I am consumed by the world Kennedy is beginning to build. Hannah was so instrumental in Logan’s romance and to see the transformation of Garrett make me want to keep reading this series. I can’t wait to dive into Dean’s story and see how these layers keep building!