Written on Sep 28, 2020
I received a copy of this from Netgalley and Viz Media. Thank you so much!
After the stellar second volume of Prince Freya getting a copy of volume three wasn't something that was ever in doubt, but after reading something that makes me immediately want to re-read it I always feel hesitation that the next volume one won't up to the previous one. I'm so happy to say that Prince Freya Vol. 3 lives up to that massive shadow that the second one cast.
After that last ending we hit the ground running in this one and boy it is a freaking marathon of action and feels. I'm so in love with how much time this story spends developing the world, focusing on the turmoil that the war is causing, AND giving us characters that make an impact.
I don't want to say too much about the plotline in this, but we do see some more clashing between Tyr and Siguard and how Freya rises to the occasion. I'm so impressed with her. She feels fear, despair, anger, and grief but she also knows she can't wilt anymore and I think the balance between of her being Freya and her being the prince is so well done. I'm also happy we get to learn more about our White Knight, and I have to say I'm enjoying him a lot more now that I can see a little of what makes him tick. And I'm living for those little rare instances of genuine emotion he has.
This has another amazing ending and I'm already dying to get the next volume which I think comes out towards the beginning of next year sometime