This particular book has 52 fun projects which are arranged thematically in units. Kids can learn about crystals, geodes, different types of rock (sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic), fossils, metals, space rocks and more. I'm something of a science fanatic (admittedly more of a bionerd) and I learned a fair bit from this book. (It's been some *cough* decades since my last earth science class).
I even learned two Hawaiian words for lava "aa (pronounced “ah-ah”) and pahoehoe (pronounced
“pa-hoy-hoy”)" from the introduction.
I can see this book being quite useful for an introductory earth science lab or as a homeschooling resource. The photography is beautiful and the experiments are fun and interesting and each one includes a conclusion with questions and the "science behind the fun".
It's also worth noting that each exercise includes a safety section.
Four stars
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher.