Prehistoric Monsters! (Random House Picturebacks) (Pictureback Books)
by Dr Robert T Bakker
T. Rex with Audio, Peggable (Read, Listen, & Wonder)
by Vivian French
Track a T-Rex (Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds)
by Helen Dineen
Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds features exciting fiction and non-fiction decodable readers to enthuse and inspire children. They are fully aligned to Letters and Sounds Phases 1-6 and contain notes in the back. The Handbooks provide support in demonstration and modelling, monitoring comprehension and expanding vocabulary. Explore the world of one of the deadliest predators there ever was: the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Learn about their behaviour and physical attributes in this...
Mary Anning (On My Own Biographies (Paperback))
by Sally M Walker
Traces life on earth through the geological strata, from the arrival of man back to the first plants. Gives us a remarkable grasp of the fossil record. Illustrates the geological periods from the present back to the earliest or Precambrian Era, and includes major developments and life forms of each time frame.
Our Extreme Earth (Set) (Our Extreme Earth)
by Rebecca Felix and Elise Olson
Describes the achievements of the scientists who have discovered and interpreted the fossils of the dinosaurs.
Age range 6+ Young paleontologists will be enthralled by this book which tells the story of the discovery of Tyrannosaurus rex fossils and what these tell us. It explores the world of T-rex and its lifestyle. Readers will learn how the dinosaur's physical features aided survival in its prehistoric habitat and theories about its extinction. A timeline spotlights the period when the dinosaur lived, and a closing comparative graphic provides additional context on the animal's size.
Your Pet Stegosaurus (How to Take Care of Your Pet Dinosaur)
by Kristy Holmes
What does Diplodocus eat? Where does Stegosaurs sleep? How do you hatch a T-rex egg? If you are thinking of owning a pet dinosaur, or you already have a pet and need some help, let this handy F.O.S.S.I.L guide lead the way. Packed with useful tips and tricks, you'll be an expert dinosaur trainer in no time! Children can learn all about some of their favourite dinosaurs in this fact-filled and fun-packed title.
Ashlee Learns about Engineers (Career Books for Kids)
by Tiffany Obeng
About Dinosaurs/Acerca de Los Dinosaurios (We Both Read - Level 1-2 (Quality))
by Sindy McKay
Discover the Oviraptor (21st Century Junior Library: Our Prehistoric World: Dinosaurs)
by Jennifer Zeiger