Written on Oct 31, 2013
This book follows Claire Montoya and Evan Loehr. They’re both in the military and they’re both going through some stuff. Claire is watching her best friend drink himself to death and or out of the military and Evan is struggling with his attraction to Claire but also dealing with emotional turmoil from the death of his sister, many years ago. He hasn’t spoken to his parents in a long time because there really isn’t much to say that would make them feel better about the accident and he keeps his distance from them because of that.
Getting involved with each other is a bad idea all around, there are rules that must be kept but the sexual tension between Evan and Claire was hot and I ate it up. There were things about both of them that drove me crazy but in the end, I liked the both of them. Together and separately. I have to say that of the two main characters, Claire got on my nerves the most. The way that she pushed and then pulled at Evan made me want to shake some damn sense into her. Her misguided way of helping Ike, the way that she pulled into herself when she should have spoken up drove me nuts but alls well that ends well, I guess.
Evan’s emotional turmoil was a lot easier to swallow because even though I thought he let the distance between him and his parents drag on for far too long, I understood why he thought the way that he did and was able to look past that and get to know him without wanting to stangle him too much. It made sense. Not that Claire’s issues and the way she handled them didn’t make sense, I just thought the hot and cold act got old, fast.
I will say that Scott did a great job of making me come to care for these characters, despite not always liking them. Claire came around and when she finally did, I was happy and Evan was hot and yummy and I wanted to eat him up. I thought the secondary characters were an interesting bunch and liked getting to know them throughout the story. I’m glad that I finished this one and am very much looking forward to the next book. Trent and Laura, yay!