Uuuuh, this was interesting. Story-wise this wasn't my favorite installment of the three I've read so far, but I found it rather brilliant in the character development department!
I feel like we finally get to know Valkyrie better and she also starts to think more about the implications this new lifestyle will have on her future. While she still steadfastly assures everybody that she wants this, you can now see the cogs turning in her head.
A good number of people around (within the magic world) are worried about her. On top of that, we get some additional info on her that will certainly be important in later books.
As for the story, I did enjoy reading it a good deal. However, to me, it was almost too similar to the first two books. The pacing was good, the action scenes keep you on your toes and there are many twists and turns along the way. But ultimately it seemed to follow the exact same blueprint was books #1 and #2. That's not necessarily a bad thing as I really enjoyed them! However, I don't want to read another six books that are just like that. With the ending we got I expect things to be a bit different in the next novel, so fingers crossed!