So, what to do with this novel? I'll keep the review short, I promise!
I like the idea of the story but the final product was a tiny bit mediocre for me. It's a solid book but in comparison with the other three so far, it was a little weak. (At least for a good chunk!)
For more than half of the book, it felt like a filler. You know, setting up things for the next story. What you'd usually squeeze into a prologue instead of spreading it into a full novel.
So, for quite a while the story was dragging a good deal. However, once we reached the last third, we finally picked up momentum and things got more exciting. That made me really happy as I had tremendously enjoyed the book series so far!
Despite the slow start (and middle), the latter part came with quite a few surprises, and now I'm even more intrigued to read the next books.
I love Valkyrie but the search for Skulduggery's head was a bit slow and even after he was back it took a moment for the story to get its groove back. Nevertheless, with all the things we know now, the next novels are set up for greatness. I can feel it in my bones!