Quirky Cat
White Witch, Black Curse, is the seventh novel in The Hollows series by Kim Harrison. It's one of my favorite series ever, and I can't recommend it enough. Especially now that it's actively updating again!
The times have been tough for Rachel Morgan. It feels like the last few years have made a point of sending her as many hits as possible, leaving her bruised and broken. Not to mention, just a little bit scarred.
Yet her story is far from over, and that means there will be more pain in her future. Pain, yet love and joy as well. As everything Rachel does is driven by her love and devotion towards the others in her life.
Even if that means stepping in front of the new predator that has entered the scene. A creature that will almost certainly hurt those she cares about, if Rachel doesn't find a way to stop them. And fast.
I should probably mention that I’ve already read The Hollows series (Several times), but I recently noticed that I never actually reviewed them. So in preparation for the next Hollows book (so excited!), I’m going to do a reread and review run. So far I’m thrilled with my decision, because I had forgotten how enthralling this series can be!
“The same people I'd actually once worked for were covering it up, and that pissed me off.”
Man, every time I read through this series, I'm reminded of how much I love it. White Witch, Black Curse is yet another amazing read. One that I would (and will) happily dive back into another dozen times.
I think one of the many things that I love about it is how Rachel is still hurting. It's been two books, and she's still not over the pain of the loss from it all. To be frank, I'm not either. So it's refreshing to see her character still working on coping with it as well. It makes her feel more human, and her series more realistic.
It should probably go without saying that this is anything but a light read. Rachel's pain is real. It hits home, and it hits hard. It's all further proof that Kim Harrison is a brilliant writer, one who can wring out so much emotion from her readers.
The last novel (The Outlaw Demon Wails) felt like a turning point to me. If that is the case, then this is the novel where Rachel – and the series – truly embrace that change. She's beginning to respect her limitations more, while giving in to the emotional demands made by her own inner psyche, as well as those of her friends.
All of this makes for one powerful read, especially that ending. I won't go into details, for obvious reasons. But it is an ending that I can still vividly picture, even without the help of a recent read through.
Really, it's no wonder that I love this series so much. I fully intend to continue my read through (and review run) in the new year. Until then!
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