Quirky Cat
The Outlaw Demon Wails is the sixth novel in The Hollows Series, written by Kim Harrison. It's amazing how this series seems to keep getting stronger with every novel, leaving me eager to see what happens next.
Rachel Morgan is one talented witch. She's also a driven and caring person, one who would do anything for her friends. That's why she's finding herself facing down an angry demon, as Algaliarept is hunting her (with the goal of keeping her, rather than killing her).
To make matters worse, there are family secrets that Rachel never knew about, which she's about to learn the hard way. Combine that with the constant challenge of trying to stay alive, and it's safe to say that Rachel's day is booked.
I should probably mention that I’ve already read The Hollows series (Several times), but I recently noticed that I never actually reviewed them. So in preparation for the next Hollows book (so excited!), I’m going to do a reread and review run. So far I’m thrilled with my decision, because I had forgotten how enthralling this series can be!
“Rachel does not summon demons. The papers print what sells papers, that's all.”
As with the rest of this amazing series, The Outlaw Demon Wails is one tense and thrilling ride. Rachel really does have a talent for getting herself into the most spectacular of messes, doesn't she? Honestly, I had almost forgotten how much she has gone through over the years. Almost.
I feel like, in many ways, this is the turning point. Both for Rachel, and for the series. She lost so much in For A Few Demons More, so it's not really surprising. She's stepping up, accepting the consequences for her actions (mostly), and admitting where she's weakest – and when she needs help.
Likewise, the series is throwing different dilemmas at her, all of which slowly start altering her perspective towards magic – and herself. It's fascinating to see, especially a second or third time through the series. Now I can focus on these details, and suddenly it all seems so obvious now.
This is far from a light read, to be clear. Even after all these years, my heart aches over everything Rachel went through. Both in this novel (the process of loss and recovery), and in the previous one. I don't know if I'll ever be fully over it, truth be told.
The Outlaw Demon Wails could have easily been a novel that focused entirely on revenge – nobody would have blamed Rachel for that. Yet Kim Harrison managed to take all of those elements – the need for answers, the desire for revenge, the raw pain, and merge them all together. All while adding more details and complications to the mix.
It makes for a seriously intense read, one that I wouldn't recommend skipping. Not for the world. Seriously, if you haven't given The Hollows a try, I strongly urge that you do so as soon as possible.
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