White Witch, Black Curse by Kim Harrison

White Witch, Black Curse (Hollows, #7)

by Kim Harrison

The 7th stirring instalment of the urban fantasy-thriller series starring Rachel Morgan. A pacey and addictive novel of sexy bounty-hunting witches, cunning demons and vicious vampires.

Rachel Morgan, kick-ass witch and bounty hunter, has taken her fair share of hits, and has broken lines she swore she would never cross. But when her lover was murdered it left a deeper wound than Rachel ever imagined, and now she won't rest until his death is solved... and avenged. Whatever the cost.

Yet the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and when a new predator moves to the apex of the Inderlander food chain, Rachel's past comes back to haunt her. Some wounds take time to heal but some scars never fade.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

I cried when Rachel got her memory back, but it was good that they got to have some closure for Kisten. I'm still sad he's gone and probably always will be, but it's good he is put to rest now. It was upsetting but not shocking when Marshall left. Pierce don't like him, don't trust him. Ivy kind irked me with her "love" of Kisten (I know crazy right, but the whole Ivy/Rachel love thing irks me half the time anyways). I was happy knowing Kisten still loved Rachel after becoming Undead, and his sacrifice will always be remembered. Al he cracks me up and Trent, I would still lobe to see him and Rachel more. I've always like Trent for some reason, and I think he needs to be more involved in the books, I'm just saying.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 November, 2011: Finished reading
  • 20 November, 2011: Reviewed