Written on May 29, 2017
I have never started and finished an audio in a day until I experienced Fling. I hit play this morning on the way to work and I finished just after I got home. How cool...I got a slam, bam, thank you máam all in one day. I knew this was going to be short and sweet, so I was surprised to be treated to a funny, sweet and sexy read, that left me very satisfied.
I had the dreaded...blushing, giggling and sniggering on the train AGAIN!! Seriously, it's getting embarrassing. People are starting to smile at me. I don't want strangers smiling at me. I need a cone of silence or an invisibility cloak or something.
This was a short story so for the life of me, I can't remember any of the characters names (we'll blame it on the story being short, not my SHOCKING memory). Anyways...Shy & Sweet has a huge crush that she thinks is her little secret. Crack-up Buddy is bored in a meeting and creates a sex survey for Shy & Sweet to fill out. Somehow, the survey gets in the hands of Hottie Crush...and he's intrigued. Could it possibly be Shy & Sweet?
There's nothing I like better than being pleasantly surprised by a wee treat. Fling is filled with a little kinky, some very mild spanky and plenty of frisky fun. I really enjoyed getting to know the characters better and I'm glad Ms Aston gave us a little more of their story. We got a glimpse of them in the other story (bad memory again). It's the one with the Quirky Chick who got her love interest wrong until she met Gorgeous Bossy Man. Gorgeous Bossy Man is Shy and Sweet's boss and Hottie Crush's business partner and best friend.
The narrators were great. I think it stands out more in a dual narration that a female has a wee bit more success doing a male voice than vice verse. I think the narrators voices suited the characters very well.
Trust is locked and loaded. Can't get enough of the Wrong bunch.