Written on Nov 13, 2018
Would you believe that I'm reading and listening to two books where the heroine has suffered some kind of sexual abuse? I do not do this on purpose. It's probably my own fault for skimming blurbs. I just prefer going into the story a little blind. They're both OK and of course, I have a lot of sympathy for these poor women, but, it can be a little bit depressing dealing with two women who are suffering. It also had me confused as to how they were dealing and what stage they were at with their recovery.
I have been waiting patiently to get to Easy Nights in the Boudreaux series. To be honest, Savannah was cool, but for me, it was really all about Ben. Boy, Ben was really worth the wait (lying back and fanning myself just thinking about him). He was gorgeous, sweet and thoughtful BEFORE he drops his pants. Now, after finding out he's packing a surprise (of the jewellery variety) HUBBA HUBBA!
The story was easy to listen to and the narrators do a great job with these characters. I enjoyed the story but felt that the plot twist was silly. It has me completely bamboozled when characters have things done to them and they don't report it to the police. If 4 blokes started beating me up, even if I was a big tough guy, I would be down to the police station in a flash. Things moved around in my house and the breaks failing in cars...WOULDN'T YOU THINK TO CALL THE BLOODY POLICE??? She does eventually go to the police, but then she decides to keep it a secret from her family. My eyes just about rolled out of my head. OF COURSE, THEY WERE GOING TO FIND OUT!!!
Your sister-in-law is a Psychic, siblings are nosey AND YOU'RE RECOVERING FROM AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP!!! Bloody twit, what were you thinking?
I'm glad that I got to meet the Boudreaux family. Unfortunately, when the ghosts and supernatural shenanigans starting happening, it sort of went downhill for me. I love my paranormal romances...just not in my contemporary romance story.