Written on Oct 25, 2014
Harry=Henrietta, who we met in the previous book was kind of a mystery to me. In Over The Line, she seems kind of insecure and a ninny at times. ( I think it was the circumstances of that book, more than her being actual ninny. ) Which, really couldn't be further from the truth. She's freaking archaeologist in the freaking desert...she's really kind of badass in her own way. When she and Matt meet initially, she is not afraid to take what she needs from him and when they run across each other again, she does not back down then either. So, she was pretty awesome. She was dealing with some pretty serious baggage in her own life and I found it very interesting how her and Matt's lives intersected with each other. Matt and Harry had absolutely crack-a-lackin' chemistry and I'm telling you, do not miss this one!
This was such a fun book to read! I found myself sighing, laughing and turning the pages as fast as I could! Sadly, I do not have another Emmy Curtis book to look forward to but we meet some characters in this one, a guy and girl that I would absolutely LOVE to read about again. So, my fingers are crossed for more from this series and this author.
Pushing the Limit: Amazon // B & N // iTunes // Kobo
Over The Line: Amazon // Barnes and Noble // Books-A-Million // GooglePlay // iTunes
Dangerous Territory: Goodreads// Amazon // B&N // Kobo // iTunes // GooglePlay
This review was originally posted on Straight Shootin' Book Reviews