Written on Oct 2, 2014
I was so excited when I found out about Emmy Curtis's new Alpha Ops Series. I was EVEN MORE excited when I read the novella, Dangerous Territory. Needless to say, I was quite relieved when I started reading Over The Line and I was ecstatic Over The Line was shaping up to be even better than DT. Which bodes well for the next book, Pushing the Limit (11/4/14).
After meeting James and Beth briefly, in Dangerous Territory, I was quite intrigued and eager to read this book. I knew pretty early on, that James Walker had carved himself a spot on my Book Boyfriend list. FOR REAL. I have to tell you that I LOVE this guy. He just....totally worked for me. Good googly moogly. Boo-yah.
As for Beth, I really liked her too. Aside from a few decisions she made, she didn't really make me want to shake her. She was tough as hell but she also appreciated that with James she didn't have to be the badass she HAD to be as a special forces soldier. Personally, I identified with Beth. I'm not a girly girl and feeling/acting vulnerable is not my thing. She totally asserted herself sexually with James and WOW, that made for some very memorable sexytimes. Take my word for it, hot flashes were had during the reading of this one.
This is one of those reviews where I'd love to wax poetic over all of the reasons I enjoyed it but I'm not going to. Plain and simple, I enjoy this author's voice and I LOVED this book.
Can't wait for the next book in November!!
Giveaway: I have 2 giveaways for you!
1. Emmy's publisher, Forever Yours, (GCP) is offering an e copy of Over The Live via Netgalley. All you have to do is comment below and I'll randomly pick a winner. Please be sure to subscribe to the comments, so you'll know if you won. Just say whatever you want!
2. Emmy has graciously donated to my SSBR Celebration Giveaway! Signed copies of Over The Line! Check it out: SSBR GIVEAWAY.
Purchase OTL: Amazon // Barnes and Noble // Books-A-Million // GooglePlay // iTunes
Dangerous Territory: Goodreads// Amazon // B&N // Kobo // iTunes // GooglePlay
Pushing the Limit: Goodreads //B & N // iTunes // Kobo (11/4/14)