I liked the first half of The Scent of Shadows much better than the second, even though it's more character driven than I usually like. Joanna is going about life in a way that she thinks is best. She's a bit disconnected, preferring to stay behind her camera, but she's convinced herself it's for the sake of her art. The only person she's really close to is her younger sister, Olivia, who is her complete opposite, yet her anchor. Joanna learns a lot about herself and the world around her once she meets Warren and he tells her about the signs of the zodiac. After her blood filled birthday, she must become someone new in order to stay alive and protect others. It's all very dark and not very optimist, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
The second part of The Scent of Shadows was a bit rough for me. It's where all of the action picks up and Joanna actually gets to try out her new abilities and fight the Shadows. However, my brain was preoccupied with the fact that she was just whisked away to the alternate reality where the Lights and Shadows have their headquarters. They went through a lot of trouble to give Joanna her new identity and make sure that it's flawless so no one would get suspicious, but they take her away from the real world for some unknown amount of time without any explanation or cover story in place. It's not like she's some unknown person in her new life; people will notice she's gone! And there's no indication as to how much time has passed. Perhaps it was a single night, in which case, no one may notice she's gone. But it felt a lot longer than that. I was hoping this would be explained once the fight was over and she was returned to the real world, but that doesn't pick up until three months later.
The Scent of Shadows has an amazing premise: a band of superheroes for each sign of the zodiac, and a Light and Shadow side that are warring. Joanna is, of course, different than anyone else and part of a prophecy, so that wasn't anything new, but everything else was unlike anything I had read before. Despite my confusion in the second half, I do think this was a promising start to the series and I was eager to learn more about this world.
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